Perhaps some of you have noticed, perhaps some of you have not..Itos and I are now big on taking our pictures jumping. Hahahha...Some jadi, some tak... But it sure is fun when after numerous shots (camera cikai so ikut nasib lah), we actually get good shots of us jumping! wohoo!! Fun and good exercise perhaps?
Anyways, these pictures were shot 2 weeks ago at this place called Independence Grove. It was a beautiful day when we were there and we had fun feeding the fishes and ducks and gees. And what else? Jumping of course!
p.s. Maini S, not until you pointed out that this is ala2 'Leap Ahead' that I remembered the Intel video! fun times..
Heheh..i still remember the vide with you and your lipbalm of coz..if only Intel stock will go that high.."sigh"
hahah...yes maini...if only lah kan the stocks go up that high...hahhaha....and for that video it was lipstick merah mak ngah! hahaha...for extra effect!! ehhehe..
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