Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I can't believe that my road trip in the US is about to end soon. Real soon. I didn't realise that I will be flying back home on March 5 and arriving KLIA on March 7. Wow...This would be my last weekend spent here. I am going to miss some very special people that I have had the pleasure and honor to meet. I am going to miss them all very very much. This past 2 years have been a great learning experience for me. If I had to do it all over again, I would...


Anonymous said...

Yea... 2 years really pass by so quickly! That was like the last time I met you, no? What are you going to do after?

Banafsheh Bakavoli said...

yup yup..you are right. Time does fly.. Yeah, I met you like 2 1/2 years ago. I'll go back and hopefully try to look for a decent job :) You take care and hope to see you soon! xoxo

Anonymous said...

ill miss you

Anonymous said...

2.5 years! wow! Just b4 u left for the US huh? neways... glad to hear u got home safely. :) And all the best in finding work! :D

And will definitely send u the link to my masters project! :D