Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The importance and not to mention convinience of car seats..and strollers..

Before coming to the States, I never gave much thought about infant and child car seats. They were not in my vocabulary and I know for a fact that it does not exists either in many of us Malaysian folks. But now, having to deal with 2 young children that still require car seats (it's againts the law not to place a child in a car seat up to a certain age/wight), I just can't imagine how us Malaysians take the safety of our children so lightly when travelling in cars, etc. How on earth have we not come to realize how important car seats are? Not only do they serve a purpose of protecting our children in an event of a collision, etc but it is also so so convinient.

No more having to bring Mak Timah or Kak Yam along with you to hold on to baby Jenab (1 month old). You can just place baby Jenab in her infant car seat, buckle her in securely and off you go to Midvalley Megamall without having to bring your Tim's or Yam's. And once you are there, place baby Jenab in a stroller and off you go shopping while baby Jenab sleeps peacefully to the cool air conditioning the mall has to offer. The compartment under the stroller is also an added bonus to place all your impulse buying. I am a pro at this as I frequent the mall with my baby comei in tow.

When I have my own kids (if this ever happens :P), I will make sure that my lil kiddo is placed in an infant car seat the moment he/she leaves the hospital. Babies in America are stuffed into their infant car seats from day one, that's why they get used to car seats and don't scream or cry trying to get out of it. Try placing a 3 month old baby who never in its life been stuffed into a car seat for 5 minutes. See what happens? I am sure the lil thing would be screaming its head off as though its being tortured to death (noticed how I used 'it' instead of he/she bacause at this point the child is more like an uncontrollable monster rather than that cute innocent baby that loves being cuddled in the arms of Mak Timah or Kak Yam while being chauffeur driven to rumah nenek). So moral of the story is that start from day one. This is true for both car seats and strollers.

I wonder when Malaysia is going to come to their senses and make car seats mandatory..They should..


Shereen said...

I can't agree more! As i had 1st hand experience on this when i only introduce car seat to my baby when he's 6 month old. Like what Banaf mentioned, IT will scream their heads off. Well, i'll keep trying until now(14 month) and hopefully with the next baby i'll have Maini Bee here for help:P

Maini S

Banafsheh Bakavoli said...

maini!! I am so happy! U're the first to leave a comment :) hehhehe... aku kan perak skit baru2dok start blogging lah katakan :)

True, true... I pretty much based this story on baby lion and what u've told me :) So, thanks baby lion and his mommy.. And to all you parents/future parents, start from day one and u'll not be's the best thing ever!

Yes, next baby, will go thru maini b's baby car seat bootcamp ;)

myn said...

wah maini b.. mengalah kan maini s and i :) pas ni shereen and i tak yah risau pasal our child safety. anyway, i agree with you. you have to start early and make it a practice. like daniel, if for few days tak letak dalam car seats, dia dah start merengek bila kita letak. but i biar kan and give him his toys. after a while, he'll keep quiet. maybe allayth kena duduk sebelah ngan daniel so both of them leh borak-borak (alien language) :P

Banafsheh Bakavoli said...

Maini A: hahahha...yes, i've learned quite a bit on child rearing since i've been here :) Yes, good for you. Kena ajar depa duduk dlm their car seat. Distract them like you do is the best way. Lama2 baby tau lah yg its expected of him to sit in the car seat when in the car. Cam baby A tak pernah merengek bila letak dia dalam car seat sbb dia dah biasa :) hahahha...yes, biaq depa dua2 sit next to each other and talk alien talk ;) heheh...cute!