Thursday, September 4, 2008

Rain, rain go away...

Today was indeed a wet, wet, wet day. It was raining non-stop from morning till night. Even when I came back at around 9.30 pm just now from the mall, it was still raining. Hopefully tomorrow there will be no rain *wishful thinking*


Shereen said...

That's Allayth fav song...rain..rain go away..some again another day, lil allayth wants to play!!!...He loves to go everytime someone is near he'll show at the doors..hehehe

BTW, Penang pun banjir teruk last Saturday..Imagine my house yg atas bukit pun banjir. My neighbour pun her house masuk air. The water was like waterfall but in teh tarik color..scary wooo

Banafsheh Bakavoli said...

hehehhe....comei aaa Allayth..Leh geng dgn baby A..Asyik nak keluar ja! Dia pun sama, nanti dok tunjuk kunci and pintu suruh bukak..And he'll go grab his shoes and suruh ppl put it on.. hahha..

Yes, I heard about it. Wow! Dahsyat ah sampai ur hse yg so high up pun scary lah..the water (and worst still teh tarik water!!)

myn said...

hehehe sound familiar. daniel pun sama, bila yati bawak dia jalan2 time petang, mesti tak nak balik. nampak ja gate rumah terus merengek! :)

Shereen said...

mmg our kids suka jalan aa...hehhe..ikut we all aa..kaki jalan...but masalahnya Allayth nie paling suka you let him roam around on his own...siap kutip batu n mkn...

Banafsheh Bakavoli said...

Maini A: hahahha....budak2 zaman skrg ni suka keluar ah...muahahha...

Maini S: Hehheheh... like mother like son lah na...sebijik Baby A..suka lah merewang exploring the place... and pick up dirt, dia tak makan ah the stuff like lion..hehhehe..comei ah suka makan batu...hang tak bagi dia cukup makan ka maini? muahhahah